Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Yarn From Rags - WIP Wednesday, September 21st, 2016


Creating is my passion, my sanity, my sense of being "up to something", my way of contributing a little bit. I always have a few projects going, many left to the side for months or even years before I pick up the best and carry on. Here's some of what I'm working on this week:

We have a bag hanging in the closet where we tuck worn out clothing - holes, stains, tears. We could easily just throw them away but much of the material is still perfectly good. From using old socks for doll clothing, making your own fiber fill/stuffing, cleaning rags, to yarn!

Today I cut up a bunch of old shirts and little girls' pants. Once I find my enormous crochet hook, I'll make them into a rug for the girls' room upstairs. Perhaps I'll have it ready by the time the downstairs bedroom is finished.

Each ball was a single item of clothing, cut into a continuous long strip. The width varies from 1" to 3" depending on if there are any seams in that portion, so that the strip ends up being the same thickness.

Looking forward to making a something beautiful and useful out of what used to be holy stained clothing. 

What are you working on? What are you excited about attempting? What are you proud to be working on? Take a picture or two and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link in the comments.


  1. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do."
    It's not always easy - but here you go again!

  2. I am so excited to do this after farming season. I have thought of different ways to use old clothing, especially favorite shirts but it never dawned on me to do this. Thanks!
