Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My dear friend Joanna

is expecting their first child.

To help them celebrate

welcoming a new being

I made them an elephant.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

News from Away.

I have Run Away, and I must admit, Away is AWESOME.

In the past two days I have:

walked about ten miles (Jaker has trotted about twice that ;) )

seen fifteen different wildflowers that I know by name (and at least that number that I don't)

seen three herons, a white tail deer, a beaver, fish (minnows and trout), countless ducks and sparrows and crows and lots of other lovely little birds,

seen not-quite-ripe wild blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and black raspberries, and hope that next week when I return (on a previously scheduled trip) there may be some for eating :D

gone wading on purpose AND by accident, went swimming with all my clothes on

and collected more stepping stones for my front path.

And those are just SOME of the highlights!

Summer isn't nearly as great before you realize that it's summer and you get to do all the great summery things. :D

Friday, June 18, 2010

Simple pleasures.

If the way to enlightenment is to chop wood and carry water, the meditation of every day tasks can only be made more lovely by a bit of beauty.

Monday, June 14, 2010

can I have one? - Jaker with a cherry

As many of you know, one of Jaker's jobs is to clean off plates before we put them in the dishwasher. It's very ecological of him to save the water use that would be required to rinse them off.

This morning after Ben and I finished breakfast I sat down to work on a gift for a friend and he went about figuring out what he was going to do.

Doing a little nose-recon he discovered that I was eating something - cherries! I let him sniff one and he gingerly reached out to grab it. He then spent the next fifteen minutes playing with the cherry - tossing it up, carrying it around by the stem, rolling over onto his back with the cherry gingerly between his teeth. :) Oh how I love thee, silly dog of mine.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What a whirlwind

It has been a crazy few weeks with quite the tornado of activity. I've had a backlog of intended blog postings but don't like to do more than a couple in a day. By the time I remember to post again so many other things have happened that I fear many happy thoughts have gone without proper documentation.

From fantastic visitors (both human and puppy), great food, picking up the first meat csa share, serious progress on the front path (rocks and dirt and grass seed!), planting my veggie gardens, seeing the inside of a house down the road that (fingers SERIOUSLY crossed) Ben is looking into purchasing, homemade coconut milk ice creams, more good food, and definite progress indoors as well.

It's now just about two months until Joe returns (hopefully) and the pressure/excitement/energy to get a lot done is in full swing. It is so great to work hard and see such beauty appear in my world. It is such a pleasure to have a house, to know I'll be living here in a while, and to be able to make it a better place knowing that I will be one of the ones to reap the benefits. :)


Round 38. NAP.

One of our recent visitors was the fantastic Fort (the dog.) there were SERIOUS amounts of playing, running and napping.

Great fun was had by all.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How blessed I am... - laptop row

 Over the past few weeks I have been blessed with wonderful visits from some of my favorite people. From surprise birthday visits, planned vacation trips, helping out friends in the midst of a move, and the ever more delightful company of family, I am truly grateful for the presence of these wonderful people.

Sudden beauty - Old County Rd Sunset

While driving to my grandparents after a lovely dinner date with my mum, I was caught up in a gorgeous sunset.

While the photo may not do justice to the magnificent display, I was certainly swept off my feet.