Wednesday, May 24, 2017

WIP Wednesday, May 24th, 2017


Creating is my passion, my sanity, my sense of being "up to something", my way of contributing a little bit. I always have a few projects going, many left to the side for months or even years before I pick up the best and carry on. Here's some of what I'm working on this week:

We're using up some more of the stumps from the downed trees at the side and edging another garden area. This time we're widening the driveway a little and making it easier to clear the snow in the winter.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mom-Fu - Parenthood as Ninja Training


So, you'd really planned to become a Ninja... But then you had kids.

Fear not. You are being trained well little grasshopper.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Cardinals in the Stick House

Anyone who has been to our house has seen our stick house. 

Big enough for most adults to stand up inside (although you'll have to crouch to get in.

We've been watching a pair of cardinals working around there picking out just the right pine needles for a nest. More and more often I would see them fly in through the branches and then not fly away.

There's a red fellow on the back left garden bed in the photo below and the side of the stick house at the right.

Without invading their space, we tried to see if there were any nests.

A couple days ago C pointed it out to me - for whom a clear view was blocked by sprays of pine needles.

Today I grabbed my camera and headed over while the pair of parents were busy at the suet feeder.

A couple of quick photos revealed two baby cardinals in their cozy nest. 

What hunger to feed! 

No wonder we see their parents back and forth from the feeder all day long.

Cardinals, you are most welcome to use our stick house as long as you need!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Branch Hooks - Satur-DIY May 6th, 2017

This past week, we got to work on a couple of projects, using a downed maple branch from last year.

First, we made branch hooks. Another time I'll show you the natural edge blocks we are making together.

We cut pieces off the edge of the branch where smaller branches were sticking out. 

We smoothed all the rough edges with sand paper and used our own homemade wood butter/polish (recipe to come!) 

With a fair amount of help, both girls helped with the sawing, and with less help the sanding.

Even a 2 year old can polish well.

I used some self drilling/self tapping screws - the same kind I used for my Twig Trellises - instead of having to drill pilot holes with a drill. I used the screw itself to start the hole.

We hung the hooks on the side of a cabinet, with the screws behind a drawer.

To have invisible hardware, I put the screws through from the inside - the head of the screw staying inside the cabinet.

Because I'd done a pilot hole with the screw itself, we simply twisted the hooks onto the screws until they were tight against the cabinet.

Now the girls' cutting boards and aprons have a home. Having beautiful real tools, in a place they can access, allows them to learn real skills, contribute in a valuable way, and learn to appreciate so many things!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May Challenge 2017 - Off-Screen Reading


My friend Spartan came by this morning to do a walk-through before they start work on putting in ductless minisplits. That will replace our ancient propane furnace and let us do a whole avalanche of ensuing projects once we can shift things around.

We loved the mini split at our old house and were sad to leave it behind. 

While we chatted, he asked what this month's challenge is and I just sort of fumbled saying that with HandsomeJoe gone for a cumulative half of this month we hadn't really chosen one.

I'm here to remedy that.