Monday, February 15, 2016

Spending Time Together and Doing What We Actually Like


This weekend my husband and I were blessed with the gift of a date. (Thanks mum!) 

After relaxing at The Florence Pie Bar (two pieces, one fork) we were at a bit of a loss with what to do with ourselves. 

We had a couple more hours before the clock would really be counting down. It being 11am, evening date ideas were out. 

We went to the grocery store. 

Yes, we teased ourselves and each other for "doing errands" with our first date in a year. But, as Gretchen Ruben says to herself (in her book The Happiness Project) "Be Gretchen" 

What's something we love to do? We love to cook. One way we treat ourselves is with really great meals. 

We got fruit, tulips (not to eat but still a treat), whipping cream, crab cakes, steak, asparagus, and lots more things that are rare and revered in our lives - expensive, out of season, out of range, or impractical for regular consumption. 

We cooked, we celebrated, and we feasted.

Lean times are balanced with celebrations. Frugality balanced with freedom, and extra days off and special time together balance the extra evening meetings and weekends apart.

Cheers to giving ourselves the gift of doing what we actually like to do.


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