Saturday, May 30, 2009

Introspection, extroversion and a crazy puppy

Some good time to do some internal work - focus on some inner struggles and actually have a moment to breathe and let go.

Then I picked up half a bale (three quarters REALLY) of straw from a freecycler on our way to the Bark Park where Jake ran around like a crazy dog for a couple hours. Not long after we arrived our good friends Michael and Joy (and Kara too) joined us for some good chatting followed by soft serve ice cream (with rainbow sprinkles!)

My plantlets are all so happy with their new mulch.

A bit more work on my first BIG painting, and I've got another blank BIG canvas waiting!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fantastic birthday weekend!

Resting up from a fantastic birthday weekend. Lovely family dinner on Saturday complete with the surprise attendance of my fairy-godmother, dinner at Burdick's delicious chocolate, strawberries, whipped cream, angelfood cake, exquisite coffee. A restful day at home while Joe was off at drill on Sunday and then cooking, relaxing, purging no-longer-wanted stuffs from the house, and having a last night with my man before he leaves for VA for three weeks.

I'm excited to read Amy Stuarts new book which was a birthday gift from my grandparents.Here's her little preview for the book:

Watered my new garden beds filled with birthday-present veggie plants with my shiny new cherry red watering can. :)

hooray for birthday revelry!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yarn and gardens and and and! - Farmstead Raised Beds

After a fantastic few days in New Hampshire that resulted in a FULL car load of dirt, top soil, llama beans, plants, two raised bed kits (picture not my garden) plus my dog and me :) I hit the annual tent sale at Webs. :drool:

I managed to only spend about $75 on yarn and needles and now have lots of deliciously soft and vibrantly colored yarns for exciting new projects now I just have to find time to do all of this delightful knitting and to actually dig up a couple patches of lawn!


Monday, May 11, 2009


House is looking great - the spare room is turning into an office for Joe, there is significantly less dog hair, dishes are clean, apron is still great :D and a fantastically positive (if brief) visit from my aunt as she blew through town.


on to other things!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yay for domestic-goddesshood :) - new apron

Pretty new apron :) Yay etsy!

Fantastic huge grocery shop with lots of great food to come, tons of little plantlets coming up in the yard, a happy puppy, exciting visiting plans this weekend, terrific complement, progress on my studio, and general happiness and excitment!