Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Apples for Georgia Kickstarter is Live!


The Kickstarter Campaign to print Apples for Georgia is now live! 

 I've written and woodcut-illustrated a book and now you can pre-order your copy! 

(for more details, check out this post)

Thank you so much to everyone for your support and I can wait to get copies into your hands! 

Want to help but don't have the spare dallahs at the moment? Here are no-cost ways you can help! 

Forward this post to a friend! 

Forward this post to your local bookshop! 

Follow Penny Bun Press on Instagram (if you do that kind of thing) 

Watch some Penny Bun Press videos (even if you don't do social media!) 

I'm so grateful for each and every one of you! 
-Myrrh Brooks

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