Thursday, January 7, 2010

I hardly know where to start!

Well my darlings, it has been ages.

Christmas, New Years, visiting with lots of family, special internet dates with Joe, lovely days with close friends, returning home, surviving wisdom teeth extraction surgery, surviving recovery from said surgery (at least thus far), sunny days, playing silly games with my brother, having two of my favorite guys in the world around for a week, the pleasure of actually being able to eat (if only with very tiny little bites of very mushy food) warm sunny naps, snuggling with my dog and so much more!

It seems as though the biggest hurdles have passed, at least for a little while. Now, I'm on the mend and looking forward!

48 days until I leave for my big trip!!! eeee! It's been fun and excited to think about and plan for making some little things to make my voyage smoother - felt luggage tags, airplane bootie-socks, sewn eyemask, etc.

look for them soon!

Thanks so much to everyone for their love, care, support, and attention. I am so lucky to have you all around me.

all my love,

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