Saturday, October 8, 2016

Satur-DIY - Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce

Oven Roasted Tomato Sauce - Satur-DIY

It's been a long time since I've purchased tomato sauce - not that we don't eat or enjoy it, just that canned, processed stuff from the store is such a paltry substitute for homemade. Throughout the years I've made big batches for canning or freezing - often with a glut of gleaned seconds. So many almost-over-ripe tomatoes have such a marvelous flavor, if you're willing to cut out a few bad spots. 

In recent years I've discovered roasted tomato sauce. Instead of a bubbly, splattering, molten liquid in a pot on the stove top, you can roast the ingredients in the oven and then blend them up. 

Roasting them in the oven brings out a depth and sweetness to the flavors from heating them to a higher temperature than possible when boiling them in a pot. 

How to:

1.) Cut.

Chop your veggies (all of them!) Pictured below are tomatoes, onions, and peeled garlic cloves. You can add carrots for sweetness, peppers, eggplant, squash, and so much more.

2.) Roast.

Heat the oven to 450f and roast everything on a pan until it is soft through. - 20 to 40 mins (in my experience) depending on thickness of pieces. Small cloves of garlic may need to be taken out earlier than thick pieces of tomato or onion.

If you prefer slow-roasting, try 300f for an hour or more. Let me know if you think it's better that way!

3.) Blend/puree

Toss everything, (warm but not too hot) juices and all, into a blender or food processor.

After a few quick pulses:


If you want to get fancy you can add salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, oregano, basil, etc. but it's scrumptious as it is! 

Because it's a fairly fresh sauce, reheating it or cooking it in dishes will only add to it's depth of flavor. 

What do you like to add to your tomato sauce?



  1. This is such a good way to make sauce!
    We also roast sweet peppers with the rest.
    And pull off the tomato skins after roasting.

    If you're making a big batch, you can roast the peppers, onions, and garlic together and the tomatoes on their own. The tomatoes can get soupy and take a bit longer when you have a lot of them.

    Delicious meals ahead - thanks Myrrh!

  2. Replies
    1. I just started some sauerkraut with one of the last of your cabbages from our farm share!
