Breathing in, breathing out, the sound of our hearts beating - these rhythms are such a part of our existence that we rarely even notice they're there.
In the larger aspects of our life we must be more conscious of these rhythms or we can easily get off balance.
After many big days crammed into a few short weeks, we are taking a few days to rest at home. We will find our rhythm heading into the new year, continue put everything into its place or find places for things that haven't yet found one of their own.
I don't know anyone who doesn't get overwhelmed, or feel some level of stress around the holidays. Celebrations, coming together, and focusing on the good we all have in our lives is still so important. If we remember to give ourselves room to take deep in-breaths we can revel in the out-breaths and try to keep the balance of this marvelous thing called life.
Fun to read your post while I sit with a cup of tea and watch the birds at the feeder with a background of white snow-like substance, breathing in and out.