Wednesday, September 16, 2020

My Favorite Canning and Food-Preservation Books - 2020


Pictured here: recommended food preservation books and jars of food I've canned so far this year. Reviews and details below!

Jars pictured from left to right contain applebutter, apple sauce, maple-sweetened bread and butter pickles, roasted pepper and tomato sauce, blueberries in honey syrup, honey-sweetened bramble jam, and maple sweetened strawberry preserves.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Notes from the Atelier - 9/9/2020



1: an artist's or designer's studio or workroom

It's been a couple years since I regularly posted my Work In Progress Wednesday (WIP) posts. I miss them. 

So here's another of my fancy fresh start on those posts. 

 September 9th, 2020 Notes from the Atelier: