Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Midwinter, Joyeaux Nöel, Feliz Navidad, God Jul, and more.

Instead of waiting until the end of the month, I'm here now to wish you a Merry Midwinter! 

No, not the middle of the winter. Mid year at the Winter, the darkest day of the year. 

So, to cheer you up a little, I present you with two marvelous ladies, being marvelous.


They'd been doing this for about 20 seconds as I was trying to get us into the bank. Then I realized that I was the one being silly. These are exactly the moments I want to savor, slow down, and certainly to remember. 

I've finished up what, despite my best efforts, turned out to be a pretty terrible semester. I'm scrambling to finish making presents and complete all the paper work for Smith in a month and SOMEone just got home from Morocco and is looking forward to going back!

So thankful that we now have some extra time together for adventures.

Again, they'd been at this for more than a minute before I managed to document the moment.

What are you up to these dark winter days? 

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