After we said farewell to ladies, our last chickens, in the fall we started daydreaming about starting again. In the winter, amidst snow storms and with our not-quite-so-newborn in my arms, I placed our order for a new batch of chickens. After fewer than half arrived alive (snowstorm after they'd shipped) I was reluctant to post. And then we almost moved to Bahrain but didn't.
Since then, we've received replacements that all arrived happily. The big girls (and guy!) are out in the big coop and within a week or two we will put the new girls out in their own space inside the large coop for them all to get acquainted.
When the time comes to finally merge the flock, we will move along a couple of the "hatch day mystery" chicks we ordered to fill in the required number to ship in early February. But for now we have happy peeping in the dining room, and scratching and pecking in the back yard.
It's good to have chooks again. And not just to hear C talk to Missser Roosser.
*My computer can't quite find the will to live, so I'm posting without my usual tools. Please forgive any errors and point them out kindly!*